A rainy start some bread and Off to Oslo

Monday  the 10th We woke about 8.30am  to the clattering sound of rain on the roof ."Well were not moving today" I exclaimed ..as if I was in charge.
I recognised this was  a safe demand to make as neither of us enjoy travelling in the rain..
I find it a bit uninspiring and in the back of our mind is visibility and problems to resolve in the rain are no fun...so whats the hurry!

Well Kathie had made some dough last night and in no time we had some beautiful date bread rolls in the oven and me being me wanted some savoury ones.
From the fridge sweetcorn it was so I mixed the corn kernels with the dough and into the oven.
The aroma of baking bread in the caravan was enough to lift our dampened spirits.

The Date scones were absolutely delicious..moist and tasty ..a must do again.

The Corn Bread as I call it looks unusual but believe me those juicy Kernals are well worth chomping on..and the outside ones are just abit crunchy and chewy.. I can see Quality Bakers chasing me for the recipe for this one😃
A bit of tidying up and sorting out the blog photos..
and Hey Presto the sun comes out .. I had  alook outside and it was virtually a clear sky.. by this time it was 11.30 and we were supposed to be out by 12.00.
Lets get going I looked to Kathie for agreement.."If you like,  you are driving" she exclaimed so we are off. By 12 .30 we are rolling out the gate..Bye Gothenberg🙂
It was a good decision, light traffic and the rain  stayed away apart from a few spits. I was trying out a new setting on my headlights, from the dash menu ..it says constant..yes it was working well .

 Sweden and Denmark and Norway require headlights on all the time and I have difficulty remembering to put them on..I had tried tricking the headlights into thinking it was dark by placing some Gaffer tape over the light sensors .. so that is fine but the auto windscreen wipers then dont work.. Eventually I realised that Mercedes must have seen this problem before .. so I searched through the light settings ..Well done Mr Mercedes they turn off when the engine is off and on when its on.

Sweden has no shortage of rock..Everywhere in Holland is flat and sand ..They must buy tons of it for roads from somewhere.
Motorways are easy to drive  Kathie takes a nice photo🙂

Thousands of km of Deer fencing on both sides of the motorways  and up the side roads

Uddevalla Bridge very High up but could not see over the sides
This Utube clip does it more justice than we can..Its 150 m high 1.7 km long completed in 2000 ..a beautiful big work of art🙂

Our Lunch stop.. The inside was immaculate

I had this ..it was delicious..it was a very big beefy burger patty with clean white potatoes and onions in a creamy peppery sauce .. I was very full, batteries charged for the next stage  another 4 hours (total of 6 hours driving  at 80km /hr the legal limit..It is slow but at least I can see what is going by.

I think the owner is Simon his name was on the receipt and on teh google map link ..I would have liked to come back again another day and try his signature dishes .. I have to say he can cook, it was popular too lots of people coming and going . Go well Simon🙂

only 200 km to Oslo and deer fences all the way

Lots of interesting tunnels

They are listening😃😃🙂

This idiot of  a truck driver cut me off as he pulled in after overtaking me.😈
Kathie nearly had kittens🙂
some interesting bridges and views

so we are now in Norway and the difference is immediate ..we have agriculture and cultivated land instead of hundreds of Km of Forest.. but we still have heaps of deer fence

 Lots of Tunnels

and electric cars
I think this is the Opra house tunnel into Oslo
it curves left, right, down , and eventually up with three off ramps underground . It has at least 2 lanes of traffic all the time , trucks are not supposed to overtake
but they dont wait behind  a caravan when they can do a little more. It eventually emerges beside the marina in Oslo about 5.7 km long .. It seems to go on forever with rush hour traffic all around you.

In The fresh air again
Next day Tuesday 12th Its pouring down so Im off for a swim and shake off some of the stress of Yesterday at the local Pool

Note The Kiwi supermarket next to my Pool😃 I have seen two of this name so I think They may have a chain here?


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