Off To work Today !!
Yesterday we had a busy touristy day with IKEA and The ferries to Ockero and Bjorko. On the way out at our camp I met a lady having to get hot water from our services area in a Bucket.
Well that's right up my alley I thought ๐there is one thing i'm good at and that is caravan water systems ๐.
So first thing today I put on my old jeans and work shirt..
Work Today...Yayyy๐๐
Its one of the things I have noticed, I love the feeling of being useful to people. I think it comes from having a life which is blessed with so much?
I think as a man we very much attach our feelings of purpose around doing stuff?
In my past life at work I certainly did.
As a tourist we spend quite a bit of time in wonder at the world and the people around us .. I think many people call this time "Being" this is the way we get joy in our lives. I recognise this is why we love to stop for a moment and take a coffee..just taste the coffee and enjoy the world around us and for a moment we have all the time in the world.. Isn't that incredible ๐
Anyway back to where I was ..fixing water systems .
Susanna Scherer and her husband Herbert from Switzerland. They had a new water pump installed on their motorhome and it was not pumping properly. lots of bubbles on Cold and now there was very little hot water.
Well testing showed the pump worked well from a hose attached directly to it and water flowed freely from the hot water boiler outlet once the boiler was full.
But..I could hear the air being sucked back into the fitting here when pumping stopped I thought ahh this fitting is not sealing..a bit of sealant on it..
The top hose connector is push on
Then the thought struck me... a bit like lightening it was ..๐
Water should never have a negative pressure at this point on the boiler if there is a foot valve on the pump.
A quick check of that showed no check valve there.
So into my tool kit .. I found just the one ..I had purchased 6 of these from e bay for about $10 NZ a couple of years ago for the drinking water system in NZ Caravan. Even had a couple of hose clips a quick cut and tuck and in it goes.
Tested perfectly except the sealant I used on the boiler fitting made it slip off the water cylinder connector.. so I had to fix this onto the cylinder .. I should have taken some photos..
So it was time to celebrate.. a cup of Coffee with our new found friends
Suzanna and Herbert Scherer They are moving onto Bjorko Island our yesterday experience๐
So it is we are privileged to have good training and skills to help people and get joy in our lives.
We hope to stay in touch with Suzanna and Herbert via our blog now and we just dont know .. "One day we may well meet again!"๐๐
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